Impact of Salesforce Disabling Support for TLSv1

Oct 16, 2016 | JIRA, Salesforce

Potential Impact on zAgileConnect

Salesforce is disabling support for TLSv1 as described here: Salesforce disabling TLS 1.0. Please also note the schedule of this change, since it has already begun in the Sandbox environments and is anticipated to be applied to Production instances in early 2017.

  • Please note that this only applies to JIRA Server (JIRA hosted on-premise).
    JIRA Cloud users (JIRA hosted by Atlassian) should not expect to experience any impact to the integration from this change.
  • If you are using JAVA 7 or if your JIRA Server does not support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2, then you will be impacted by TLSv1.0 disablement. Please see below for details.

This change MAY have an impact on your zAgileConnect deployment, depending on the JAVA version used in JIRA Server and the SSL configuration associated with the JIRA Server. The table below describes the potential impact in each scenario:

Connection from JIRA to Salesforce

Java version

in JIRA Server

JIRA Version Salesforce with TLS 1.0 disabled
Java 8 (1.8) 6.1.x – 7.x.x No Impact
Java 7 (1.7) 6.1.x – 7.x.x All communication with SF fails with SSL TLS exceptions

Connection from Salesforce to JIRA

JIRA Server/Proxy with TLS support Salesforce with TLS 1.0 disabled
Only TLSv1.0 All communication to JIRA from Salesforce fails with error: “Server chose TLSv1, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client.
TLSv1.1 only or TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 No Impact
TLSv1.2 only No Impact

How to determine if your JIRA will be impacted by Salesforce disabling TLSv1.0

  • Figure out the Java version of your JIRA instance (JIRA Administration → System → System Info →JVM Version attribute)


  • Verify if your JIRA instance supports TLS1.1/1.2 for incoming requests. Salesforce suggests using to test your JIRA site.
    Look for the supported TLS protocols

Recommended Actions

For JAVA 7 JIRA instances (JIRA → SF)

  • Upgrade to JAVA 8 or,
  • Upgrade the JIRA Add-on (Please refer to the matrix to determine the compatible version based on your Salesforce package version, as well as the download link).

Additionally, for impacted JIRA Servers without support for TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 (SF → JIRA)

  • Configure your JIRA instance to support TLSv.1.1/TLSv1.2, if you are using a proxy for external connections to your JIRA, you will need to configure it in your proxy. You may also need to upgrade openssl version in your server.

Lastly, please contact zAgile Support ( for further details and guidance.


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